So, it's been a while. To be honest, I've been sat here for about half an hour now just scrolling through these photos trying to decide on what to say. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those rambley posts, so I'm just going to apologise for that now. If you follow my blog then you may have realised that I've been a bit AWOL recently and so for that I feel like I owe you a bit of an explanation; I have moved back to Wiltshire. It's been a bit of a crappy couple of weeks to be honest. Jordan and I decided to break up (and we're still friendly and all) but it meant that I got to move back to my parents house in Wiltshire and honestly I have been so much happier here already. For the last year, no matter how well I managed to hide it, I have really not liked living in Manchester and between myself and Jordan and many, many trips home, I finally came to the decision that no matter how much I loved Jordan, I needed to be happy. To me, being happy means being at home. So, here I am three weeks later sat in my newly decorated bedroom in my family home watching Gilmore Girls, writing this blog post and actually feeling a lot happier than I have been in quite a while.
I've taken a little break from my blog over the last couple of weeks because I've just needed space to get myself back into a place where I consider to be 'me'. I feel like during my time in Manchester I lost who I was and there is definitely nothing like coming home and reconnecting with your family and your old friends to make you feel a little like who you used to be. There are so many people in my life that I haven't spoken to in a few years and since coming home I've reconnected with two people in particular and I'm really happy that they're back in my life. And obviously I've got my Melody back, (be a pal and help her get to 1K on her Youtube) and because of her you get pretty photos like the ones above, so that's always a bonus! I'm around so many people that I love here and it's so nice to feel loved by so many people.
Another little fact of moving home is that I'm now without a job. Something that after a year of jobs that I've really not been happy in at all I'm actually really happy about. I kind of have enough money to get by for now and with moving home it's so nice to only have my car as my only bill for now instead of around £1000 worth of bills each month! As I'm in such a fortunate position I thought I would take this opportunity to take my blog full time for a while and just do what makes me happy for a while. I'm so excited to get stuck back in to my blog and give it my all as these past couple of weeks of not working on it has been so strange! It's definitely made me realise how much I love BekyLou.com and how much I don't want it to slip! I've actually got a couple of meetings and events in London coming up over the next couple of weeks and I'm excited to fully get stuck in to them and make something more of my little space on the internet!
If there's anything specific that you'd like to see on the blog in the coming months, then let me know because I'd love to write more content that you'd like to see!
If there's anything specific that you'd like to see on the blog in the coming months, then let me know because I'd love to write more content that you'd like to see!
What I'm wearing:
BekyLou, Beauty, Fashion, Fitness and Lifestyle Blog based in the South West.
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