Saturday 14 February 2015

Beauty | His and Hers Fragrances with Hugo Boss

There's definitely no doubt about it: I am a girl that loves perfume. I shamefully have to admit that I probably own around 15-17 perfumes and fragrances. I'm absolutely obsessed with smelling good (who isn't?) and it clearly shows in my collection. The latest edition to my stash is the new Hugo Woman fragrance by Hugo Boss. I've always been intrigued by their fragrances, but as I've never been too 'into' their brand as a whole, they've never been the fragrances that I'm drawn to trying. The packaging is another contributor to this; as most of my regular readers will know, I'm not a fan of boring and basic packing. I'm one of those people that really do judge products by their appearances (something I'm not proud of) and whether it's a well-known brand or a newby to the market, I get easily put off by packaging that is dull and monotone and get really intrigued and fascinated about products that look pretty. 

The new Hugo Woman* fragrance is something I would have never picked up by looking at the packaging, however once I'd smelt it, it would've been straight into my collection. I was very generously sent this fragrance along with Hugo Boss for men and my god, they are gorgeous! Hugo Woman is a beautiful fruity scent with sandalwood base tones and floral middle tones. The dark plum scents come through very strong with a boyish musk entwined; it all pieces together really nicely to create the perfect girly scent. Within the period of just a few short days this perfume has become one of my favourites and I've really been proven wrong when it comes to judging a book by its cover! The bottle itself is gorgeously circular in transparent glass with a discrete yet feminine red ring running around the edges within a groove. It's pretty in a really understated and simple way and is perfectly suited to sit upon my dresser.

As a complete Hugo Boss obsessive, my boyfriend Jordan had always wanted to own a Hugo Boss fragrance, but due to the price has always thought that it's best received as a gift. Hugo* is the male scent by Hugo Boss, a brilliantly manly scent perfect for the evening, full of musk and fruity tones. Noticeable yet not over-powering, Jordan loves this scent saying that he really likes the clean and fresh feel to it. Not normally a lover of fruity scents Jordan mentioned that it smells 'charismatic' to him. Although he may sound a little stupid saying it, he told me that it made him feel like a professional man; a man with a bit of power. Amazing how something as little as an aftershave could make him feel like that - but I guess that's what guys are like! I personally love the scent on him. I've always been a fan of  a real musky scent on a man and this is just the perfect balance of masculinity and gorgeously scented apple. The bottle is a manly design, kind of like a glass hip-flask with a sturdy lid - perfect for when travelling as you know there won't be any wasted! 

Hugo Boss is a scent that I never thought to try but after sampling both the his and hers fragrances with my boyfriend, we've both come to the conclusion that they most definitely live up to the Hugo Boss name. What are your favourite scents? Have you tried either of the latest Hugo Boss fragrances?



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