Monday 22 August 2016

RWL Week 7 | Early Morning Workouts, Motivation and My Eating Habits

When you've been in a funk for a couple of weeks, getting yourself back into the fitness routine can be bloody hard, let me tell you that now! This past week of trying to get myself back into my exercise has been so difficult and definitely not one that has gone well. I started off the week with doing one of the week 7 Results with Lucy Workouts but after that it became quite apparent that the motivational bug clearly hadn't hit me again as much as I thought it had. I did a 30 min cardio gym session and 1000m swim with my Dad on Wednesday evening (swimming with my dad is one of the best things about moving home), a RWL HIIT Harder session on Thursday before heading off to London and then I managed to pop to the pool again late last night with Dad for another swim. That was last week in exercise for me. Not at all what I had wanted from my first week back at it after the break but I am still happy that I completed four sessions. The disappointment I've felt today realising how little I've done in the past week (and how badly I've eaten) has kick started that motivation just a little bit more to push me to do more again this week. Not that this post is about week 8, but i'm currently writing this at 10am on Monday morning and I've already completed my 1st RWL HIIT workout of the week! 

For week 7 I only completed two days of HIIT workouts but as always they were tougher than ever! I am still absolutely loving the structure of the sessions and love how easy they are to incorporate into your daily routines. With my mum and me both working from home now it can be quite difficult to find the time where the living room / garden space is free for me to workout in but when the workouts are only around 30-40 minutes long including the warm up and cool down, it's been easier than I thought to slip in before her clients arrive. I've also been finding it really easy to do in my gym, something that in the past I've really struggled with when I've been using different programs. The Results with Lucy mobile web page is super easy to use and the videos load really well on my iPhone too so it's easy to grab a corner of the free weights area and do my workout there if there really isn't any time to squeeze one in at home. Everything about the RWL HIIT Harder plan is completely up my street and the accessibility of being able to complete the workouts wherever makes my life so much easier. The way that the workouts are structured in different videos and sections also makes me love these even more as I am now getting to grips with how the workouts are going to look and how the sessions go. I always want to give my best when I'm completing a HIIT Harder session because I know it's working my body to the maximum and I think I'm at that stage now with my exercise where I know I'm only cheating myself if I don't give every workout 100% effort. I often come away from the workouts dripping of sweat (gross) and needing the mother of all showers, but I know then that I've worked out to my all!

Motivation for me is something that I struggle with quite a lot in all aspects of my life. Not having a set routine with being my own boss at the moment is definitely something I am having issues with and is something that I am really now focusing on getting into shape. With me, if I have a thought and then sit on it for a while, the motivation tends to disappear. I hate to admit it but I am a pretty lazy person and it can sometimes take a lot for me to get up and do something. I've spoken about this on my blog before in some of my previous fitness posts, but with me it's normally all or nothing. At the moment I feel like I'm very much in a 'nothing' state of mind and although I want more than anything to be giving everything my all, the motivation is just not there. By getting up this morning and making myself exercise at 8.30am I feel like I'm in the best place to kick my bum into gear with all other aspects of my life. Last week for me, most of my workouts were motivated by my dad; having someone else around me as into fitness as I am really does help when I'm in one of my ruts. Dad always makes me get my ass into gear and get to the gym with him and if I'm not in the mood he guilts me into it so much so that I feel like I have to go (honestly not as bad as it sounds!). Going in the gym with my dad or going for a swim with my dad is one of the most relaxing things ever to me. We don't really spend much time with each other elsewhere and so I always take those moments as our quality time together - even if we're not talking whilst we swim or sweat it out in the sauna.  

My eating this past week, as mentioned briefly above has been nothing short of atrocious. I've had countless McDonalds, skipped meals and basically lived off of pasta and bags of chocolate peanuts and I am literally appalled at myself. I'm not going to sit here and type out lies to you saying I've done my best and eaten well because quite honestly, thinking back I don't think I can even think of one healthy-ish meal I had last week. In fact, yesterday all I had was McDonalds and chocolate peanuts and I know 100% that that's another part where I am majorly going wrong with my lack of motivation. I know that 80% of your weight loss and toning is down to what you eat and for me, I'm always feeling a million times better when I'm eating at my best. This next week (week 8) is going to be all about focusing on me and making sure that I'm eating as well as I can be. It is a little harder now I'm back living at home, but with all of the recipes on RWL I don't really have any excuses! Make sure you follow me on snapchat (username : beky_morris) because I'm going to be making sure I snapchat my meals and workouts this week - another way to keep me motivated and on track! 

Once again, I'd like to apologise for the lack of structure within this post. My RWL Journey this time around is proving more difficult to stick to than I had imagined with all of the personal things that have been going on in my life, but I am determined to get the results I want and I can only see that happening by sticking to this plan and with Lucy! Have you been struggling with your healthy lifestyles recently or had any bumps in the road on your fitness journeys? Let me know in the comments so we can motivate each other to keep going! 

What I'm wearing:

BekyLou, Beauty, Fashion, Fitness and Lifestyle Blog based in the South West.
(*this post may contain items gifted to me for PR purposes*)


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