Friday 10 January 2014

A Year In Rewiew | 2013 | TAG

The gorgeous Kimberly tagged me to do this post, so I thought I'd give it a whirl!

There are just a few simple rules: 
1. In your post, be sure to link back and thank the blogger that previously tagged you
2. Answer the questions below and tag at least 5 other bloggers and; 
3. Include the badge in your post

Lets get started!

1. Your top 5 new favourite blogs to read in 2013 

I've honestly only properly started reading blogs in 2013. Shameful, I know. But, I've managed to find a tonne that I love - but 5 of my favourites, that I read regularly have to be:

2. List Your 5 most read blog posts in 2013

1 - My 200 Bloglovin Follower Giveaway
4 - My October Giveaway

I'm most proud of my Anxiety and depression post - I'm so glad that it made it into my top five! It means so much to me as it's such a widespread and touchy/ difficult subject to talk about - let alone think about!

3. Name one blog you wish you had found sooner

I honestly wish that I'd found Thumbelina Lillie sooner. I love her outfit posts and her style of writing. It's such a breath of fresh air and she is such a cutie!

4. Your favourite blog post of 2013 

Again, I'd have to say my post on Anxiety and Depression. It took me a very long time to feel strong enough to click on that haunting little 'publish' button. I was so proud of myself the day I managed to post it. I hope it helped a lot of other people going through the same thing realise that it can be beaten. 

5. What would you like to improve (if anything) on your blog next year?

I would love to improve the quality of my photos. That's such a cliche thing to say, I know. But, hey, grainy pictures suck and I'm determined to save for a good camera and lighting!

6. Name one blog you have a blog crush on

I'm a little bit obsessed with Bird's Words, I love every post and just how much detail Beth writes into them. I am one of those people that normally shy away to hefty posts but I adore reading hers. None of it's mumbo gumbo like some peoples!

7. How often do you post? 

I post three times a week. Over December it was different, as I took part in Blogmas. But now, I'm back to my usual scheduling of Tuesday, Friday and Sunday!

8. Share your first post of 2013

I have a couple of 'first' 2013 posts. But the one that I truly re-started my blog with is this one

9. Name one thing you would be doing if you weren't typing this post right now.

Snuggling up in bed, reading a book and then tucking into a couple episodes of Gossip Girl! 

10. What have you loved the most about blogging this year?

It got me out of a really bad place. I was depressed, going through an extremely rough time which I'm no where near ready enough to talk about (I'm itching to put it into a post though) and was unemployed. When I started blogging properly and gave my all to it, I fell in love. It got me out of this terrible rut and gave me a new leash of life - as tacky as it is to say that. It's really made me find something I'm so passionate about and has completely distracted me from everything that was shit in my life and has made me some great friends. 

I tag the following bloggers:

What have been your favourite bits from 2013?
Let me know in the comments below


You can also vote for me for the #UKBA14 here


1 comment

  1. Great post hun, I enjoyed reading your answers!

    Thanks for doing the tag :)

    Kimberley x


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