Friday 3 January 2014

What I got for Christmas 2013

It's taken me a while to decide if I actually wanted to write this post, my haul hasn't been massive year because I was lucky enough to be given my Christmas present early this year when I passed my driving test back in November. My parents and my grandparents helped me out massively and I am so grateful for everything that I wasn't expecting a lot beneath the tree this year. But as generous as they were with the money for my car, they still managed to give me some little treats to unwrap on the big day.
A little disclaimer here - I am not at all bragging in anyway about what I received for Christmas from my family and friends. I am beyond thankful for everything I was given and just thought I'd share my excitement with you all. 

From my Nan, Katy Perry's Killer Queen Perfume

From my parents .. sorry uh Santa ;) . Prada Candy Perfume
 I only asked for two things for Christmas this year (apart from hinting on my wish lists) and those two things were the above perfumes. I've never really been a perfume girl before, but all of a sudden I've become obsessed with these two scents and feel very lucky to have received both. They smell divine and are both so different - perfect for work and social ocassions!

An Alexander McQueen Scarf from my older sister - So lucky!
I've been so incredibly lucky this year and was not expecting this present at all from my amazing older sister. I love this scarf so much and am honestly guarding it with my life! It's so beautiful and I have been overly spoilt by her this year.

I was also given some money along with my presents from my parents and grandparents - something that I was completely shocked by because of how generous they had been with helping buy my car. I swiftly went shopping in Cabot Circus, Bristol - hoping to catch the sales, but not doing a very good job (I only managed to snag some bargains in Boux Avenue)! Within 5 minutes of being in the shopping centre and in Debenhams, I'd already spent £60 on three of the four above products. I knew exactly what I'd wanted and I bee-lined straight for them. Sadly, they didn't have the Naked palette in stock, I'm searching high and low for that bad boy now! I then bought some gorgeous Puma trainers and finally headed into Harvey Nichols and Space NK to purchase a couple of things from the amazing NARS (one was a present for somebody else) - I couldn't help myself and bought the infamous foundation for myself. 

I'd love to hear what you all got for Christmas, leave your post links below! 


You can also vote for me for the #UKBA14 here


  1. Amazing presents, so jealous about the scarf! You have lovely family, that's so sweet :) x

    Claire | AgentSmyth

    1. Aww thanks honey, I think so. I know, it's a gorgeous scarf. was such a shock! xx

  2. That scarf is gorgeous! Will you be reviewing your new make up products at some point? x

    1. Of course! I plan to over the coming weeks! xx

  3. amazing gifts! I really want to try Porefessional!

    Claudia xxx

    1. Both of the porefessional products are worth a try! :) cx

  4. Aw you got lovely gifts! I also got the Killer Queen perfume, it's amazing haha!
    Hope you had a great Christmas misses :)

    Natalie xx

    1. It's gorgeous scent isn't it! One of my faves. I did indeed lovely, hope you did too xxx

  5. I love that katy perry perfume! Hope you had a good holiday season!

    Hannah Heartss xxx

    1. It's gorgeous isn't it? Yes I did thanks, hope you did too :) XX

  6. I love reading these sort of posts :) Love that scarf! xx

    1. Aww i'm glad you enjoyed, thanks so much xx

  7. What amazing gifts! I would use all of them!
    Hope you had a fabulous Christmas!

    H xox

    1. I will be too! My family have been far too generous this year! xx


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