Tuesday 12 August 2014

Review | Blackhead Killer face mask*

If there is nothing that I love more, It's a good face mask. I've tried all kinds, Superdrug own brand (which if you've seen Eltoria's youtube video here, you'd know I'm apparently allergic to), Montan Jeunesse, LUSH (which have to be by far the best I've tried so far) and then now my new favourite face mask: The Blackhead Killer

I don't think I've ever tried a face mask this good before. It's a peel off face mask and you can really feel it working. I left mine on for  ten minutes (or probably longer, I always forget I have them on!) and when I went to peel it off it was like I could literally feel everything being peeled from my skin. My skin has never felt so amazing before. Literally like touching a baby's bum. This mask, no matter how scary looking it may be, is the best I've tried in a while and even with a price like £14.95 for a pack of 5 sachets, I'd say they're definitely worth it!

Have you ever tried one of these face masks? 


Check out my GIVEAWAY here. 



  1. Great post, I've just ordered these myself and looking forward to trying them out. As much as the mask I use helps but it never truly works 100% and so hopefully this mask will do the job for me.

    Toria (toria-creativemine.blogspot.co.uk)

  2. I literally love these masks they work wonders xx

  3. This sounds amazing, it's so good to hear they're worth the price too. I love the peeling part of peel off masks, haha it's so satisfying!
    emmerliejay x


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