Tuesday 5 August 2014

Top 5 | Beauty Lust List

makeup lust list

makeup lust list by beky-lou featuring matte makeup

Ever since receiving my first monthly pay cheque last month, I've been on the splurge. Makeup has been even more so present in my life and I just cannot stop buying it! I think it's almost time for a spending ban, but I just can't seem to get the above 5 items out of my head!

Benefit Dandelion Blush - £23.50

This blusher has been on my wish list for as long as I can remember.  As everyone knows, I'm a massive Benefit fan and honestly, I'm not too sure why I've never snapped this beauty up before. It's a gorgeous dusty pink and looks lovely on my cheeks.

MAC 217 Shading Brush - £19

This is a brush loved and coveted by many makeup fans. I've become a bit of a makeup brush addict over the past few months (did not realise I had 37!?) and now I've got my sights on this specific one. I don't actually own any MAC makeup brushes, most likely due to the hefty price tag, but this is one that I'm willing to splash out a little on.

MAC 'So Chaud' Lipstick - £15.50

Is it just me, or is everybody else screaming, 'Why did you put up the price of your lipsticks?!'. I'm actually quite annoyed, I'm one of those annoying people that hate buying anything with a price tag that has digits after the decimal point. I'm a rounded kinda girl and to me £15 wasn't a lot to ask. Rant over, I've been eyeing up this lipstick shade for a while now, I originally went to purchase 'Vegas Volt' on Debenhams the other day, but after taking my money and accepting the purchase, they told me it wasn't actually in stock, regardless of what the website said. I was furious, but after getting my money back, I realised that I wanted a much more orange shade than the coral of 'Vegas Volt'. 'So Chaud' is next on my MAC Lipstick hit list!

Zoeva Classic Eyes Brush Collection - £33

After seeing many bloggers rave about the Zoeva range, it was about time that I picked out my purse and did a little online shopping. I fell completely in love with the above eye collection and was devastated when I got to the checkout and found out that postage was £7.50. I am sorry Zoeva, but I am not paying that much money for postage. No matter how pretty your brushes are, They're gonna have to stay on my wish list for now. 

Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette - £37

Again, like with many things recently, I've gone a bit crazy with the Urban Decay Naked Palettes. I first purchased the Naked 3 in December when it was first released and after falling in love with all of the shades, most recently, decided to purchase the original Naked Palette. Not long after that (try 5 days) I found myself adding the Naked Basics into my online shopping cart (being ill and out of work makes you want to online shop like crazy). Now, I still haven't even received the basics palette yet and I'm already lusting over number 2 to complete my collection. I'm a girl obsessed. The eyeshadows are just so lovely!

What items are on your beauty lust lists?
Let me know in the comments below.


Check out my GIVEAWAY here. 



  1. Been wanting to get the Benefit Dandelion as well! Great to know that it suits you~ ^_^

    1. Still on the wish list! Hoping it'll be in my hands soon! :) Xx

  2. I have the Dandelion Blush and Naked 2 Palette and I use them both everyday! x


    1. Ah! Even more of an excuse to get purchasing - wish pay day would hurry up! xx

  3. I must admit I tried to have a benefit ban completely but the bronzers and blushers are top notch xxx

    1. Ha! I could never have a Benefit ban. It's like I'm a woman obsessed. Literally find it so difficult to walk away from a counter without having bought something! xx

  4. I've recently discovered your blog and I really like it! I'm following you now
    Hope you'll like mine too!


  5. I have the MAC 217 I wouldn't recommend it though it sheds an awful lot and after washing and letting it dry naturally the brush shape would dishape; I recommend the zoeva set! Much better value for money and their amazing! xx

    1. Thank you so much for commenting this, definitely made me re-think the MAC 217... even more reason to invest in the Zoeva ones! Xx

  6. i love the look of the zoeva brush set! x

    Lucy | Make Up Your Mind

    1. me too! can't wait to get my hands on it x

  7. I'm totally with you with the Zoeva brushes I really wan them in my life. Just ordered one on Cohorted but I need to rose gold set in my life.

    Hannah xxx

    1. Oooh yeah, need to get back on Cohorted! Xx

  8. The Naked 2 palette is my absolute favourite! I want the Naked 3 now!! xx


    1. I'm obsessed with the Naked 3 Palette - so so good! xx

  9. I love my Naked 2 palette, so gorgeous! I really want to try some Zoeva brushes!
    xprincessjas | ♥

  10. Love the look of the Naked 2 palette and the Zoeva brush set! x

    1. Me too! again - when will payday hurry up?? xx


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