Thursday 1 October 2015

How To Get The Perfect Night's Sleep

When it comes to getting a good nights sleep, I will do almost anything. I am such a massive sleeper and even at the age of 20 I'd much rather be in bed by 10.30pm than out having drinks with friends. Sleep is my best friend and there is nothing better than getting into bed at the end of the day to a peaceful nights sleep, but when I have trouble getting to sleep there is nothing worse. I have tried a couple different things in the past, you know the usual, counting sheep, listening to calming music, but none of them have really worked / stuck. So when an email pinged into my inbox asking if I'd like  to try out some Relaxation products from Neom, I just couldn't say no.

For the past week I have been getting to sleep so easily with the help of Neom's Tranquility Bath & Shower Oil* and their Perfect Night Sleep Pillow Mist* - part of their Tranquility Fragrance range they both contain English Lavender, Sweet Basil and  Jasmine to soothe you to sleep. A bath with a couple drops of the Bath and Shower Oil has me relaxed within no time at all and then I am definitely ready for bed. It's the Perfect Night Sleep Pillow Mist that then does the last bit of the job! I've known lavender to be a sleep inducing miracle worker for a while now, but honestly I'm not all that keen on the scent, however in this gorgeous little concoction the smell isn't too overpowering and with one little spritz on my pillow before bed, I'm out like a light within seconds. I have been having THE best nights sleep ever with these little gems!

Have you ever tried any Neom products before? I will absolutely getting my hands on more!

Don't forget to check out Beauty Expert too where you can find other amazing Neom products!




  1. I am totally all over these bad boys, getting any sleep lately is such a pain in the bum and I love pillow sprays xxx

  2. I read another post about these products and now I absolutely need to get them! Falling asleep can take forever some nights and I think these sprays would help immensely. Great post!

    xo, Liz

  3. I have not try this brand but I use Freeze with Lavender to scent the room 5 mins before I sleep! Unless its new years, get your beauty rest!

    Ursula aka Blueridge Beauty

  4. Would love to try these products, the pillow mist sounds so lovely <3

  5. I love Neom scents - I had to talk myself out of continuing to buy hand-wash from them recently though :( (it's really hard to rationalise spending £15 on a basic product like that, but my god they smelled amazing!)

    Misia xx


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