Tuesday 27 October 2015

Winter Wonderbody #3 | Getting back on track

The worst has happened today (well, Monday when I wrote this post). I have put on a bit of weight since my last weigh in! After such a good 2 weeks of eating well, exercising regularly and making sure I always chose the healthier option, I have come home from a weekend away Celebrating my 21st Birthday and my friends Wedding two kilos heavier. To be honest, I was quite surprised it was only by that much, I'm still lighter than I was when I first started this challenge but still, it was not what I needed. Now most likely at the bottom of this weeks Leader Board (I'm writing this before the DW Fitness post has gone up) I definitely need to kick my ass into gear again this time around.

Over these past couple of weeks I have been trying out a 'Teatox' a Tea Detox that you drink everyday to detox your body of all of the bad toxins inside you. I was very kindly sent a 14-Day Teatox* package from TeaDoctor to try out and by the end of the first week I'd lost about 0.5kg - Obviously that was all ruined by the time I weighed myself at the end of the second week due to me giving in to all of the food and alcohol this past weekend but I was still impressed by the results of the first week! With eating healthy, keeping up with my exercise and drinking these teas each morning (and one every other night) I was beginning to feel so much better in myself and even though my weight has sadly crept back up, I've noticed a major difference in my shape.

As I've mentioned from the beginning of this challenge I'm slightly more interested in toning up and being happy with myself and my body than I am with worrying about the numbers on the scales. Although I would ultimately love to be lighter too, as long as I'm happy with myself then that's really the end goal. I've noticed that with drinking these Detox Teas from TeaDoctor and with eating right and exercising I've been much happier than in previous weeks. I've seen my stomach flatten down a bit and have overall felt like I've been making progress. I'm definitely going to be trying to get my hands on another Teatox package for the next couple of weeks because I've loved the way I've been feeling whilst drinking them.

Overall, (again minus this one weekend) I think I've been getting on really well with the idea of changing my lifestyle. I've been far more motivated to get up and turn on my exercise DVD and pick up my Kettle-bell's. I definitely need to get back into the gym but that shouldn't be an issue now as I've got no excuses with being busy and my gym buddy is back from her hollibobs! Seeing my current weigh-in I'm now even more determined to keep at it and shed the weight again and more! I've been loving the healthy eating side of things and have been able to curb my cravings by allowing myself a little chocolate every now and again.. I'm trying to ween myself off of it all together but I think the thought of going cold Turkey right now scares me a little! I'm hoping I'll get there by the next time I'm writing this post!.

Have any of you managed to keep with your Winter Wonderbody challenge? Have you given up yet?
Let me know in the comments how you're getting on, I'd love the extra boost of motivation!




  1. Sounds like you're still doing amazingly, so keep it up - we all need to treat ourselves now and then :) I've tried a couple of teatoxes in the past and really liked them, definitely tempted to do another soon!

    Claire | Stylingo.co.uk | xx

  2. I tried one teatox from a different brand and it completely failed me since then I haven't tried any more. This one sounds like its giving you great results though!


  3. I am proud of your honest and dedication of your fitness goals (I am not using diet but health goals) !! You got this! :)




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