Monday 16 December 2013

Hello, My name's Rebecca and I'm a shopaholic | Blogmas Day 16

9 sleeps until Santa! 

Picking up a new lipstick in MAC or a gorgeous new Primer from Benefit can be so thrilling; handing over the cash or your shiny plastic debit card can be painful, but it's just something that you can't help. Shopping, for me, is exciting - it's an adventure and has become something that I now do on a regular basis. It's an obsession and a delight and something that sadly, needs to stop. Enter Spending Ban. I've always thought of these as a silly thing that shouldn't have to be put in place - surely you have will power people!? But, alas, now, I am having to enforce one on myself. I don't know what it is; maybe it's the festive period, the magic of Christmas and all things sparkly and shiny and new that have been in the shops recently, but I've found that I haven't been able to say 'No'. My poor bank account has hated me since my Birthday, back at the end of October and now after purchasing my car, It's time that things changed. Spending ban is in full force as from today. The presents have all been bought and paid for, I've bought myself a new bag and purse (post link) ready for my new 'sophisticated' job (no more pulling pints for me) and I need for nothing else until at least the end of the year. Yes - I know, that's not a very long spending ban to be on... but the sales! I shall allow myself a set amount of cash for the Bristol Bloggers Meet Up  and after that, I'm back on it in full force! Promise.

Here are a few of the things I have bought recently. Naughty. Please, don't judge. They were just so pretty.

I'm hosting a giveaway, click here to enter


  1. Can I join your Shopoholics Anonnymous? I've been on a spending ban since November for myself and I've been so good and bought nothing at all! It's killing me! I'm gonna go mad in those Boxing Day sales lol. Great buys, love the Lush products x

    Claire | AgentSmyth

    1. Of Course Hun! Join the club! I'm thinking of making it an official one ;) xx


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